Friday, August 21, 2009

New Web Search Engine Review

Internet search overload, a slogan recently used by Microsoft to popularize their new Bing engine, is a phenomenon we can all relate to. Microsoft advertises Bing as the "first ever decision engine." What does Bing actually decide for us? Speaking for myself, I certainly prefer to make my own decisions, don't you? What I think consumers actually want, in order to solve the "search overload" dilemma, is a search-engine that gives us the appropriate information so that we can make our own decisions.

Stephen Wolfram's search engine, Wolfram Alpha, calls itself a computational knowledge engine. This certainly is the case. Far from the run-of-the-mill engines, Wolfram Alpha takes your querie and lists relevant facts, statistics and a unique organizational interpretation of the concept. Wolfram has stated that the goal of Wolfram is to continuously update the collection of the world's knowledge. What is so unique about Wolfram is the content. A search query shows key facts rather than a storehouse of related sites.

It seems as though the Wolfram engine has considered the user's experience through tailoring the search experience to fit consumers of information. This is not the only search engine concerned with the user experience. Yahoo! is also actively concerned with increasing the efficacy of search results in consideration of the human experience. Google became famous for it, Microsoft is now competing using it and Yahoo is quickly closing in on it. But what is it? Bottom line is, consumers want a search experience that gives them the results they are searching for quickly and easily.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Free Symptom Diagnosis Creates New Medical Condition

When is the last time you checked the internet before going to the doctor to see what it is that may ail you? You are not alone. Free symptom diagnosis has become a common sort of website offering clues to possible new medical conditions that a user may have. However, could the DIAGNOSIS actually be creating the CONDITION? A recent article in Newsweek entitled "How to use the internet to get the best health advice without freaking yourself out" suggests there is a new medical condtion has a arisen that uniquely threatens tech-savvy individuals.

Cyberchondria, as it is termed, is the web-based equivelant of hyperchondria. Wheras, prior to the use of the internet, individuals had to diagnose themselves using self-recalled information, individuals are now aided by free websites promising to determine new medical conditions. Free symptom diagnosis creates self-fullfilling hypothesis about medical conditions. This phenomenon, Newsweek says, is created by search free web search-engines dedicated to sorting by relevance, not by probability.

So, for now, our doctors can rest easy that free symptom diagnosis is not going to replace professional prognosis.

First Weekly Web Technology Post

Hello World...

This is the First Weekly Web Technology post. Each week this Digest will seek-out and post relevant, useful infromation for readers interested in getting the most out of computers and the internet in an alotted amount of time.